I’m Awake. Are you Awake?

Sherry Cassells
3 min readJan 20, 2021


Spoke with a friend yesterday. She said pacing is the only exercise she gets these days

It’s early. I am typing soft as a whisper. Not even a glimmer of light outside. I made a coffee and practically swallowed the grinder to keep it quiet and filled the kettle in a skinny stream, slowly slid the door open for a very grateful Daisy who sometimes pees right on the deck because she can’t make it down the stairs to the yard.

Whatev. Takes one to know one

Lily zoomed out of nowhere and sort of veered my way accompanied by a nice little wrinkle of audio that sounded like hihihi and then she zoomed off again.

Unfortunately she can’t tell me if her name has one l or two and I always feel like I got it wrong.

Usually misspelled words don’t bother me except for that red underline but names are an exerption

This is the first morning the guy across the street didn’t keep his Christmas lights on all night so it’s also the first morning I didn’t get up wondering why the ambulance which has been the way I’ve started every day since fucking Hallowe’en and could explain a few things.

So it’s very peaceful and I checked the spider’s in his spot up in the skylight so I don’t have to think he might be approaching me from behind, and I will check in with him throughout the day for further reassurance.

Wonder what it looks like from his point of view when I peer up there all sneery what with the hair and the angle and the lighting. Bet I scare the fuck out of him, too

Bet he’s like “fuck I hate it when he looks up at me” because he probably thinks I’m the guy from The Kings Speech, you know, Lionel-the-speech-therapist who unfortunately was the first to arrive in my head while I was thinking how my face must look. Sigh. Anyway. He’s there. The spider I mean. So at least for now I don’t have to imagine him creeping somewhere in my wake.

I don’t love surprises especially when a spider is involved and this one’s a fucking albino and fucking hideous. But don’t tell him I said so. That’s just between us homos

And I was saying to my pacing friend that when I went for a walk yesterday down to the lake, the sun was out and I got all nice and warm at first and then quite suddenly I got ferociously too hot so I unzipped my zip and let the breeze in and when I looked down I saw that the front of my sweater was so dirty that you could call it filthy without exaggerating a single aorta which should give a red line but isn’t.

And you know what else? I am wearing it again. Right now. I am a combination of Linus and PigPen

Anyway. Big day today.

Let’s hope the USA keeps its shit together because we don’t need that scary fucker creeping along in our collective wakes anymore, do we?



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